There are currently 100 landing page templates available at The Landing Factory and I know it can be time consuming to go through all of them, especially to view the demos, which I highly recommend since the screenshots don't show the true magic of each template.

That's why I decided to show you 14 landing page templates which are my personal favorites. Other templates are of course beautiful as well, these are just my personal preference.

Remember, click on the "view demo" link (opens in new window) below each template to see it action, I promise you won't be disappointed.

ROCKET Coming Soon Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

If I would need to choose 1 template for my next upcoming project/website this would be the one.

It's a simple yet perfect coming soon page with a nice rocket image and cool green colored background covered with shiny stars.

Call to action button is presented in yellow color for high contrast so that the visitors have zero chance of missing it.

LESSON LEARNED Membership/Course Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

If you have or plan to create an online course or some kind of membership, just look how beautiful this lesson page is.

You have the main video lesson at the top, along with the lesson title, and below the video you can put your lesson description.

The best part comes in the sidebar, where you can share the most important details about that lesson, and help your members to easily visit previous/next lesson.

Don't forget about downloadable files either, most people like to save things on their computer or access lessons in more than just one format.


**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

Are you a blogger? We designer? Life coach? Speaker? Business consultant? Author? Basically if you do business alone and/or want to present yourself as the key person your clients should deal with or know about, than look no further, you have just found yourself a new home page.

It's called HIGHLIGHT for a reason, because it highlight YOU in the best ways possible.

Your visitors will instantly become familiar with your face (and remember it), and learn so much about you and your products and services down the page.

At the top you have the ability to get their contact in exchange for a nice lead magnet, and below that you can tell them more about yourself, your products and service, show latest blog posts and even share testimonials from your previous clients.

The main color is blue, but you can easily change that to any color you like to stay consistent with your brand. More main background image colors coming soon!​

CLOUDY Opt-in Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

I'll be honest with you, I'm in love with this template. The combination of white clouds with black / blue / white colors is out of this world.

The top of the template is reserved for the main headlines, and there's even enough space for a nice description, before they sign up to your email list. Don't forget to use some awesome image to present your freebie even better.

This template is blue in original (together with white and black), but you can easily change the color and it will still look great. Even with red, orange or green.

There are two call to actions (two opt-in forms), one at the top and other on the bottom. In between there's a nice 'feature' area which you can use to tell your visitors more about your freebie and explain them what exactly will they learn/get after they subscribe.

WEEKLY Opt-in Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

Do you have a weekly newsletter where you would like to teach your subscribers something very useful? Than this template is built just for you.

It doesn't have to be weekly, every day, newsletter, it can be any kind of length email course (3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days and similar) where your email autoresponder sends emails daily, weekly, bi-weekly or any time you set it up.

Whatever your agenda is, this template will come in handy. It's a beautiful light-blue and white template, with nice animated email icon at the top (see the demo). At the second half of the page you can give your users more details about each step of your newsletter and motivate them to subscribe.


**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

Inspired by Neil Patel's landing page, this white/orange combo is a jackpot for any individual online entrepreneur out there.

Simple, short, but straight to the point, use this landing page to get your visitors subscribe faster than ever.


**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

You can use this template for any kind of opt-in page, including webinar opt-in landing page.

The header background image really helps to show your main headline in a nice contrast, making it effective from the moment your visitors lay eyes on your landing page.

There's enough space for one amazing image of your choice, and a lot of text where you can share more details about your freebie or upcoming webinar.

The green call to action button in the right sidebar is highly visible, and will make your conversion rate higher than ever before.

NATURE Opt-in Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

Made for life coaches and spiritual healers in mind, this green landing page will bring all sort of positive feelings when they see it. Just look at this beautiful green forest, and that strong orange call to action button, I don't know who could resist it and not subscribe right away.

It's kinda a short with not much space for text explanations of image, but feel free to edit it to your needs. If you do it right you may be able to squeeze some more text or even an image and still preserve this amazing nature look and feel.

iFIT Sales Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

Fitness, weight loss, building muscle, it's a huge industry making billions of dollars each year. If you are in it, you will for sure agree with me. And now, there's finally a nice template you can use to sell your fitness related product or service.

This fitness landing page template is ideal for selling workout programs, nutrition recipes and all that highly popular weight loss related products.


**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

This is a nice sales page for all of you who have some kind of mobile app, or any kind of app whatsoever, or if you are selling info products related to apps, or recommending affiliate products, the possibilities are endless.

It has number counters at the top, beautifully designed header, 6 features fields with icons, a testimonial section, and call to action buttons at the top and bottom of the page.

You can use this page for a lot of things, just use your imagination.

BRICKS Sales Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

Who would think that bricks would be so good as a background? Well they are, especially when there's also a woman looking at her laptop right at the place where your main title and subtitles are. Neat, right?

Besides nice background header image, there's a lot of space for features and details of your product/service, plus an opt-in form and pricing details in 3 columns. Don't forget about the perfect testimonial area in the middle of the page and a video presentation area.

This is one powerful template, take the advantage and use it.

CUTE Confirm Email Landing Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

If I would need an email confirmation landing page I would certainly use this one.

It's perfectly designed, colors looks so good together, and there's also a social share part motivating your new subscribers to bring their friends and followers to your opt-in page.

The main part of this landing page is explaining your subscribers what to do next if you are using double optin subscription, and that is - email confirmation.

Just take a look at the demo page and this nice mail image on the right side and you'll instantly fall in love with it.

LUCKY BLUE Confirmation Landing Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

You must take a look at the demo of this landing page to see it's true nature. This blue email image is actually animated and it looks amazing, catching your new subscriber's attention.

Beneath it you'll find short and direct instructions on what to do next (confirm email), and at the bottom a nice share section to motivate your subscribers to share it on different social networks.

POPULAR Webinar Opt-in Landing Page

**The screenshot below is not really showing the real look of the template because it's zoomed out and the buttons / text / opt-in forms/ images are shown much smaller/bigger than they are on the demo page. Make sure to check the demo to see how it really looks.

If you plan to do webinars, just use this template - period.

It's mostly white with hints of red here and there, where the main hing is the red call to action button, bringing the most attention to your visitors.

We have 3 columns here, the first one is reserved for webinar hosts, the middle one for webinar details, and the last one for countdown to webinar and opt-in / webinar registration form.

At the top there's of course the main headline and sub-headline which has a purpose to intrigue your visitors and make them read more, ultimately to subscribe and attend your webinar.


These are just 14 template out of 100 we have in the offer at this moment. Although these 14 are my personal favorites that doesn't mean other templates are bad or ugly, they are just as beautiful and high-converting as these ones.

To see other templates go here, or just choose the category you like from the main menu above.

There's currently a great offer on The Landing Factory, where you can get access to all templates (current and upcoming) for just $25, or get the yearly membership and save over $100.

This offer is currently like that but in time we'll change the the pricing structure to quarterly and yearly payments, instead of monthly and yearly which we have now, so make sure to take advantage of that.

If you have any comments on The Landing Factory templates post them in the comments area below.

Published by The Landing Factory

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